E : Hello. I am an electrician Ogden.
Hello. Usually I am the one who starts out the conversation.
E : Sorry about that but I just wanted to get things started efficiently. As an electrician Weber County I naturally follow the path of least resistance. I suppose you could say that I model my actions upon the behavior of electricity.
Are you saying that because you have spent so much time around electricity that you find yourself behaving the way electricity behaves?
E : No, it is more that I naturally behave the way electricity behaves and that is the reason why I gravitated towards a career like electrical work.
It’s the chicken and the egg.
E : Come again?
I say, the situation you just described is akin to the chicken and the egg scenario.
E : How so?
Well, in the chicken and the egg scenario we don’t know whether the chicken or the egg came first because a chicken is produced from an egg and an egg is produced from a chicken. In your situation, we don’t know whether you behave like electricity because you work with electricity or whether you work with electricity because you behave like electricity.
E : I just told you that I was attracted to a career in electricity because I naturally behave like electricity. In the chicken and the egg scenario we did not know which came first but in my scenario we do.
Can we at least agree that they are similar?
E : We can, but not for the reason you articulated. In other words they are not similar because both scenarios describe a situation where we do not know which phenomenon preceded the other chronologically. They are similar because it is possible that either phenomenon could possibly precede the other chronologically, however.